Hyewon LEE
Hyewon LEE received her bachelor's degree in Korean painting from Kyung Hee University, Seoul, in 2008. Subsequently, she took Jewelry Creator Course at Hiko Mizuno Jewelry College in Tokyo, Japan and received her degree from Advanced Jewelry Course in 2012. She began her artistic career in 2007 with her first group exhibition, "Dorothy's Red Shoes," at Insa Art Center, Seoul. She has been involved in jewelry-related exhibitions in Japan and worked in related fields. Since 2017, she has resided in Paris France where she continues to actively participate in exhibitions. At the same time, as a member of AJAC (Association of Young Korean Artists in Paris), she continue her artistic activities.
For the artist, paper is a passage through which various images can be experienced and a door through which one can enter and exit another world. No matter how thick or light the emotion, she express it all by stacking it on 0.138mm which is the thickness of the canvas surface. The fact that we can talk about form of emotions in a world made of thin surface is paradoxical and allows us to think about many things. Hyewon LEE's work addresses a variety of topics, focusing on how the essence of emotions and materials comes from nature.
Advanced Jewelry course, Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry, Tokyo, Japan
Silver Accessory & Craft in Jewelry Creator Course, Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry, Tokyo, Japan
*Admission to silver jewelry course in second year
Bachelor of Fine Art in Oriental Painting, Kyung-hee University, Seoul, South Korea
Fine Art in Oriental painting, Kay-won High school of Art, Seongnam, Gyeonggido, South Korea
Association des Jeunes Artistes Coréens (AJAC), Paris, France
La Maison des Artistes, Paris, France
Solo Exhibitions
ARCHIVAGE DES EMOTIONS, Galerie L'étranger, Grenoble, France
Group Exhibitions
<The Third Place> l’AJAC 40ans, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France
<Le Salon> 13e Regards Croisées x 40th AJAC, La Villa des Arts, Paris, France
ART SHOPPING, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France
La 40e exposition de l'AJAC, Space SAZIC, Séoul, South Korea
Être et Paraître, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France
Corée à coeur, MJC PICHON, 7 boulevard du recteur senn 54000 Nancy, France
Maison de Noël, Galerie IHAM, Paris, France
Le jardin des ignorances, Galerie 89, Paris, France
Switch on x AJAC, sur l'application mobile <Switch on>, Séoul, South Korea
OUTRE MESURE, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France
<3m²>, Galerie 24 Beaubourg, Paris, France
ARTBOX.PROJECT ZÜRICH 2.0, SBB Event Hall, Zurich Central Station, Switzerland
Graduation exhibition, Hiko Mizuno School of Jewelry, Tokyo, Japan
Exhibition [06], Tokyo, Japan
Exhibition [Artizan guild], Tokyo, Japan
Exhibition [Silver Collection], Tokyo, Japan
Special Exhibition [Dorothy's Red Shoes], Insa Art center, Seoul, South Korea
Graduation exhibition, Kyung-hee University, Seoul, South Korea
Publication / Public
Aperophonie – Vernissage Galerie d’art L’Etranger, Radio Campus Grenoble, France https://campusgrenoble.org/podcast/aperophonie-vernissage-galerie-dart-letranger/
Lumière sur l'« Association des Jeunes Artistes Coréens », KOREA.NET, France
The beauty of communication_Lee Hyewon, LIVELIFEWEIRDOS, South Korea
Créateur de juillet, With Goods, South Korea